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October 05, 2002

The Gorge

Just got back from climbing in The Owens River Gorge (or The Gorge for short). Hadn't been there in over a year. We went to the upper gorge and did some awesome climbs. Even got a 10d onsite in there. We (Bruce and I) took our friend Won for his first time climbing. I think he really liked it. Its interesting how teaching climbing makes you think more about it. Its important for me not to forget what I love about climbing. Just the feeling for the human body and how it moves. How you change balance through a series of non-obvious means. How you pull off stuff that doesn't seem possible, keeping you feet on sloping 1/10 inch edges. So much fun.

On the way home we discussed politics and economics a little. I'm always amazed when people buy into the idea that our system of economics is just the way it is and as such, we must continue to grow and consume more and more in order to prosper as a people. Its true that within our idea of economics we, as consumers, are responsible for fueling the market with our increased consumption (and debt). To decrease spending (as we've been doing) hurts the economy. But is this really our fault or is it the whole system that is flawed. A system based on mass consumption seems flawed to me. This kind of system is unsustainable in that eventually we either run out of what we're consuming, or we go into too much debt to consume any more. I think America has seen its hay-day and is on its way out. It will take a while, but other countries will surpass us (just as someday in the future MS will fall :) Cuz nothing lasts forever.

Posted by wonko at October 5, 2002 07:09 AM


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