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December 24, 2003

Tourism spreads the virus.

No I'm not talking about the national flu epidemic, which I have managed to evade. I am talking about our brand of capitalism and social values. Obigabu recently wrote about his trip to Nogales and how it wasn't at all what he'd expected. It was a tourist trap in the guise of a poor mexican town. I live in a beautiful town that has become a mecca for greed for the same reasons. There are lots of places throughout the world that have sacrificed their culture and community values to get a piece of the American Pie.

Tourism breeds Americanism.

In some ways I have mixed feelings about it. I don't fault anyone for taking advantage of stupid American tourists who are usually more concerned with their own comfort than the culture they are visiting. On the other hand, it appears American money is like the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings; Everyone wants it, and once you have it, it tends to corrupt. Once the people of these places saw how they could get money from tourists, they abandoned much of their community and culture for the promise of money.

I admit I am being a little vague and further more, I am not an expert, nor am I in a position to make these comments. Maybe these are just projects of my own cynicism towards the american. Though, I think living in a tourist trap myself, I might be in a good position to comment on it. Mammoth is losing its culture and community very rapidly as cash becomes king. Its sad to see happen and there seems to be no way to stop the hemorrhaging. I've stated before that I believe this country puts money and possessions as its #1 priority, willingly. In this sense, who can blame the Mammothites for being good capitalists. They aren't doing anything illegal. They aren't doing anything a good capitalist would find immoral.

Its hard to look beyond our individual microcosms towards the larger ecosystem when it doesn't appear anyone else is interested in broader views either.

Posted by wonko at December 24, 2003 07:55 PM

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Mammoth "has become a mecca for greed?" I think that's a little short sighted. It's 'been' a mecca for greed for quite some time now. Skiing has always been an expensive sport, from traveling, lodging, lift tickets to the gear. It's just that it's gotten worse in the last two years. Mammoth, as with all large Resorts, have always catered to the well-to-do, because the Resorts know most of them are willing to pay for it. I'm not defending greed, nor do I disagree with you, but this is not new to Mammoth, though it maybe new to you. The Capitalism that you despise so much is really the only thing keeping Mammoth alive, though I don't think Mammoth is large enough to accomodate the rapidly growing amount of expansion that is currently in development, unless they expand the slopes.

I think you've touched on two issues and both are not mutually exclusive. One being 'greed,' which is spurred on but the Corporate Capitalism of Intrawest and the other being people's self-centered attitudes. Greed might not exist without the attitude, but the attitude can exists without the greed. I don't think the selfishness of 'tourists' is any different than that of the 'locals.'

Posted by: useEvil at December 29, 2003 10:59 AM

You make some good points about the distinction between greed and self-centeredness. However, I disagree that the locals are as self-centered as the tourists. The biggest example is our empathy towards those serving us who are taxed to the limit. The checkers, waiters, bartenders. There are huge lines everywhere and locals don't yell at random people because of it. I just went to Vons tonight and it was a madhouse. Huge lines. The tourists were yelling at checkers and each other. They don't use turn signals, park illiegally, and yell at everyone around them for ruining their 'vacation' which they are in a hurry to get on with. Its astounding. On nights like tonight I can't help but think the day before the appocolypse would look something like this. Insanity is an understatement. I can't even explain it. So I'll stop trying.

Posted by: Wonko at December 29, 2003 10:01 PM

I understand your frustration with vacationers. These are the same people I run into all the time in LA. I probably should have elaborated more about the self-centeredness of locals. Locals seem to have this territorial attitude as if anybody that does not live in the town don't actually belong there or don't have the capacity to respect the people and the surroundings. Your frustration stems from the character flaws of those people, not necessarily because they're on vacation and deserve to be treated as royalty. Those same people act the same way when they return to their respective hometowns.

Posted by: useEvil at December 30, 2003 09:42 AM

Being honest with myself, I have to admit I share some of that local territorialism you speak of. You're right that it isn't right either. Sometimes it is difficult not to generalize. We see so many 'tourists' coming and abusing our home and ourselves and each other, it is difficult not to be judgemental of all of them. Guarded at best. You are also right that these people are like this at home as well. Christmas does bring the worst of the tourists. The hectic nature of this place tends to bring out the worst in people who already had issues with congeniality. What are we to do? We complain and wait. Then we remind ourselves we really can't complain because we are lucky to live here and have the place to ourselves most of the time.

Posted by: Wonko at December 31, 2003 05:13 PM

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