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June 15, 2005

Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal

Obigabu sent me this article which first appeared in Ramparts in 1968. It is a really interesting look at our political history and how we came to be such a divisive nation. It is so educational to read stuff like this written 30+ years ago, to see our battles today are really old battles that never ended.

"TWENTY YEARS AGO I was an extreme right-wing Republican, a young and lone "Neanderthal" (as the liberals used to call us) who believed, as one friend pungently put it, that "Senator Taft had sold out to the socialists." Today, I am most likely to be called an extreme leftist, since I favor immediate withdrawal from Vietnam, denounce U.S. imperialism, advocate Black Power and have just joined the new Peace and Freedom Party. And yet my basic political views have not changed by a single iota in these two decades!

... My personal odyssey is unimportant; the important point is that if I can move from "extreme right" to "extreme left" merely by standing in one place,..."

Posted by wonko at June 15, 2005 06:47 PM

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