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August 05, 2003

Defcon 11: Movements

This will be my first entry derived from this long document Steve and I wrote while at Defcon. There will be more after this. I corrected spelling and some grammar, but didn't change it much at all.
Strange vibes from the closed carpeted room. It seems as though all movements are waves that eventually crest and slowly recede. You can't join a movement either, because by the time you decide to join a movement, it will have already slammed into shore and tracked its course back to sea. You need to have been a part of it before anyone knew it was a movement to begin with. In this way, it is the collection of intellects at the start that determines whether or not it becomes a movement, what type of movement it becomes and type of momentum the movement has. Measuring how much momentum it gains is NOT a measure of how many people contribute, or visa versa however you see it. At some point, some critical mass usually decreases the momentum, not increasing it as you would think.
Many stories about many types of people. Each with their own story. What brings them all here. How many are part of this movement, how many are left. How many are just trying to board the ship not knowing its only a mockery of the battleship it was. Could you spend your life just watching people? Isn't that what psychologists do? Is that their kick. Is it that they all really want to help people, or is it that some just like seeing the spectacle of the human condition.

Maybe the defcon wave just mirrors the internet wave. Hundreds of bodies littered on the side of the information superhighway. They didn't even know what hit them. Did we believe that we could change the world, or was that our motto when in reality we were all just trying to find the American dream of having lots of money and doing whatever we wanted. I'm inclined towards the former. We DID think we could change the world and some still do.

Posted by wonko at August 5, 2003 02:48 PM

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» Scenes from Life on Mars
Or else you join the movement just in time to be along for the ride when it crashes and burns. [Read More]

Tracked on August 9, 2003 12:00 AM

» Scenes from Life on Mars
Or else you join the movement just in time to be along for the ride when it crashes and burns. [Read More]

Tracked on August 11, 2003 12:17 PM


I'm a psychologist who does not just watch people. I help people help themselves. I still believe that we do change the world when we start with ourselves. Don't get so jaded or bitter that you quit trying. Life is a giant laboratory and we never stop learning. It sounds like Defcon helped you learn about yourself and the world. You already knew life isn't fair.

Posted by: at August 5, 2003 05:22 PM

In my orinal I used the words ALL psychologists. When I posted it, I changed it to some for a reason. I believe you are trying to help people, but I wonder if there are those out there who may have a more sterile view of their profession.

Posted by: Wonko at August 6, 2003 02:07 PM

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