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October 15, 2003

Derek and Christie tie the knot

Just over a year ago, Derek and I went backpacking around the Mammoth Crest to Duk Lake. (yes its spelled Duk due to an early misprint). That night we talked about Derek and Christie and how he should stop delaying and just ask her. He agreed it was the right thing to do. Within a month, he'd found a beautiful ring and was ready. He and Christie hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney where he dropped to one knee and made his intentions official, presenting the ring. She, of course, said yes.

This last Saturday, they finally did it. It all began on Friday where we had the rehearsal at Forest Chapel which is across a bridge over the Twin Lakes. Two of the groomsmen were traveling here from out of town and couldn't make it. Later we had a rehearsal dinner at Juniper where Derek's parents were staying. Derek's friends from AZ showed up in time for that. Afterwards, the partying began. Luckily for Derek, some of us agreed that he shouldn't get sick the night before his wedding. We started walking home from JSL around 3am, in no shape to drive. None of us were looking forward to the couple mile walk home, luckily, we didn't have to walk far. The Cnation gang from LA had showed up not long before and were driving around looking for us. They found us stumbling down Meridian not far from JSL. Boy were we happy to see them. The whole gang from LA stayed at my place Fri-Sun.

Saturday, began early with breakfast at The Breakfast Club. Most of us were still feeling the festivities of the night before, but not as bad as we'd expected. The wedding went off without a hitch. It was a most beautiful wedding and more than a few people got a little emotional. It was definitely a most happy affair as everyone there knew they were meant for each other. After the wedding, they had the reception dinner at Little Eagle. There was a beer and wine open bar, and Brian Doi cooked an amazing dinner. Most of us had our share to drink. Everyone had a great time dancing, drinking, talking and eating.

Sunday, all of the excess food and drink from the rehearsal dinner found its way over to my place as did the bride and groom and a bunch of our friends for an afternoon BBQ. We didn't actually have a real BBQ, but we did have a large Foreman grill, which ended up working just fine. Eventually, the gang headed off to their various points of origin and the house was left to Sarah and I. Late that night I finally went to sleep. Monday, I could definitely feel the affects the weekend had on me. I wasn't feeling at all well, but that didn't stop the adventure from continuing... (See Next Blog)

Posted by wonko at October 15, 2003 10:46 AM

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